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Behind the Scenes

Behind the Scenes 2024


Behind the Scenes 2024


One of the biggest highlights of this year for me was working with SilverStream Coffee Roasters on their photos & social media! I’ve really enjoyed the change of pace and the ability to get creative in a different way (plus… they really do have the best coffee and are some of the kindest people, so they have made my job so easy!).

Another highlight of the year was getting to work with my new friend, Dani (who you’ll see in the photos below!).

I had posted earlier on Facebook & Instagram this year that I needed help for this photo season - someone to help me at sessions by holding my reflector and helping my clients feel comfortable. I had never ventured outside of people who I knew personally first to help me, but felt like it was the right time to start seeking those outside of my circle.

Enter - Dani! She messaged me on Facebook after a friend from her church sent her my post, knowing she was interested in learning more about photography. And well... it ended up being a great fit for the both of us! Dani was able to get a look inside my process, and I was able to have someone help me at sessions consistently - something I had been praying for for a while!

In total I was about to photograph about 60+ sessions, plus a handful of weddings. I’ve intentionally began taking less weddings over the last few years but still had the opportunity to work with 6 amazing couples this year.

I have to admit, I slacked a bit on behind-the-scenes photos this year! Here’s to increasing the number of BTS images for 2025 ☺️


A huge, HUGE thank you to the real MVPs, the grandparents who have loved and watched Lucy multiple days a week, allowing me to take photo sessions, edit photos, schedule social media posts, and do all of the background work that comes with owning a small business. It would be impossible for me to do what I do without their help!

Of course, a huge thank you to my husband, Nick, who takes care of Lucy and our family and is supportive in so many areas of my business.

And a big thank you to Dani for coming with me to SO MANY sessions. You have truly been an answer to prayer, and a support to me on some of my most difficult days. I am so very grateful!


For more Behind the Scenes content: 2017 / 2018 / 2019 / 2020 / 2021 / 2022 / 2023

PS - thank you to Dani for the phone BTS photos included throughout this post!


Behind the Scenes 2023


Behind the Scenes 2023

What a beautiful year it has been! 2023 was another year full of seniors, families, and couples, and I could not have been more grateful to every single person who gave me the opportunity to take their photo this year!


This was my first photo season with a baby! Our daughter was born in January of 2023, which was a blessing in regards to timing - having a few months without any photo sessions at all really allowed us to acclimate to a new season of life with a new family member. We love her so much!

This year, I purposefully took fewer weddings and sessions to allow space for the unknown territory we were heading into… and I could not have been more grateful for that. I still had the privilege of photographing 9 beautiful wedding days and over 60+ senior, family, engagement, and commercial shoots. It was still a busy year, even with slightly less work than previous years!


This year would literally have been impossible without the help of our grandparents, who watched our daughter during many photo shoots and office hours. Jean, Chris, Lisa, and Joe - we are so thankful for you and for how you love Lucy (and us!). And we are so thankful for the many other friends & family members who helped us, too.

I would be remiss to not give an enormous shout out to my husband. He photographed almost every wedding for me, stepped in to assist for sessions when I wasn’t able to find anyone else, and was the most present dad ever in the process. I am so thankful for you!

And one more big thank you to everyone else who assisted me at shoots and weddings - Alisha, Erica, Kelli, Hannah, Robin (I hope I’m not forgetting anyone!) - none of these sessions would’ve been possible without you! Thank you for loving and encouraging my clients so well!


For more Behind the Scenes content: 2017 / 2018 / 2019 / 2020 / 2021 / 2022


How I Navigated Pregnancy as a Wedding Photographer


How I Navigated Pregnancy as a Wedding Photographer

2022 was a unique year for me as a wedding photographer and business owner, because I was pregnant for the first time, ever! There were lots of unknowns and some learning curves, but thankfully, I was able to make it through photographing 12 wedding days (and many portrait sessions!) while pregnant. Granted, that may not be as many as other photographers, but it still was enough to make me a little nervous going into wedding season!

Looking back on this season, I would love to share some tips and thoughts as I look back over the past several months that were helpful for me while navigating wedding season while pregnant.

First, I’d love to share some general things I implemented that ended up being helpful throughout my season!

1.     I let my wedding couples know I was pregnant before I announced it publicly.

Sharing about your pregnancy is a very personal thing. I went back and forth on whether or not to share the good news with my couples individually once I was in my second trimester, but looking back, I am SO glad I did. Sharing the news with my couples allowed us to be on the same page and left space for open communication. I didn’t want to announce my pregnancy on social media, then have them wonder how the pregnancy could affect their wedding day. For me, it was important to answer the major questions up front (the biggest being if anything with the pregnancy, like my due date, could affect their day), and then to keep the door open to discuss any questions or concerns they might have. Wedding photography is an investment, and I wanted them to be confident that I would still be able to fulfill my obligations to them just the same!

Another perk of letting my couples know I was pregnant was not having to explain certain things on a wedding day. For example – I had more frequent bathroom trips, which never interrupted the flow of the day, but my couples were understanding when I needed to take a quick detour to the restroom. All of my couples were incredibly kind about letting me sit down to eat dinner during the reception, and there were a few times during longer receptions where I sat down while taking photos of the dance floor action. I never felt like I needed to explain why I was making those choices to my couples, which helped me feel better about photographing their day while pregnant!

2.     I had a strong & consistent assistant/second shooter come with me to every wedding.

My husband photographed about 60-70% of my weddings with me prior to me becoming pregnant, so after we found out I was pregnant, we talked about him committing to helping me with all of my weddings for the 2022 photo season. Thankfully, I had already decided that I was going to take a few less in 2022, so even with his full time job, he was able to help me with all of the weddings I had scheduled. This did a couple of things for me: it helped me know, without a doubt, that I had someone I could rely on to help me with anything and everything. All of the other second photographers I have ever hired to help me with a wedding have been fantastic – wonderful shooters who are incredibly helpful – but there’s something about having your spouse there to help you in any situation that feels different. Nick was able to carry lots of our gear, knew how to set up our lighting for receptions, and knows how to support me emotionally on a wedding day (it’s so fun, but can be stressful at times!), so for me, it was huge to have him there consistently throughout my full wedding season, and took some tasks I was used to doing off of my plate.

If I felt the need, I was also open to bringing along someone towards the end of the wedding season (when I was way more pregnant!) to help and be with me for the entire wedding day (since Nick and I are sometimes doing separate things). But we actually ended up feeling like we were able to work through the last few weddings just the two of us! (For reference, my last wedding was at 32 weeks pregnant – thankfully!).

3.      I ended my season early and took less weddings overall.

This may be a controversial one, and something that will be different from person to person depending on financial situations and prior obligations (weddings can sometimes be scheduled SO far in advance, it can be hard to plan so far ahead!). But for me, when I found out I was pregnant, I stopped taking any additional weddings for that current season. 14 was my number for the year, and I was happy with that at the time – and looking back, I am still happy that I decided to limit what I took, even if it meant a decrease in income. I’m also a senior, family, and portrait photographer, so I decided to supplement my income with more of those types of sessions (which were not nearly as hard on my pregnant body as a wedding day!).

In addition to taking less weddings, I ended my shooting season mid-November (typically I shoot through until mid-December) with my due date being mid-January. I wanted to have a month to finish up editing and administrative tasks before Christmas and New Year’s, with a bit of built in rest towards the end of my pregnancy. I am SO thankful I did decide to do that – after my last wedding in mid-November, my body was ready for a break!

4.     The day after each wedding, I gave my body time to rest.

Most photographers try to rest the day after a wedding anyways, but this was even MORE important to me to try to stick to while pregnant!

We are a part of a church plant that meets on Sundays, so we always have a 4-5 hour standing commitment on Sunday mornings/early afternoons that often involve setting up for service, serving, and tearing down. That commitment is extremely important to us, so even during wedding season, we don’t want to miss. However – I made sure that on the weekends I had weddings, I was able to sit in the service, not serve during it. And boy did my body, mind, and emotions need that time to recoup! Then, after our commitment, we would go home and crash and just relax. That was the best way for me to be able to still have that commitment and serve in a smaller capacity during this season!

I’d also love to share a few items that helped me get through those long wedding days.

 1.     Nutrient dense snacks with high protein

Our bodies need lots of nutrients to properly function on long days, but especially while pregnant. While I was pregnant, I learned that my body will always give my growing baby the nutrients it needs first, then I get what’s left. After I learned this, I started noticing how much what I ate affected how I felt, especially on wedding days when I was on my feet directing people for 10+ hours. I started intentionally trying to bring higher protein, nutrient dense snacks with me (nuts, cheese, vegetables, chicken chips, protein bars, etc.) on those long days and felt SO MUCH BETTER as I went throughout the day, and the day after.

2.     Drinks with extra electrolytes

Obviously, it’s important to drink lots of water when you’re pregnant – especially when you’re pregnant and on your feet! But early on in my wedding season, I started noticing that water wasn’t cutting it. I wasn’t able to drink enough on wedding days without constantly having to use the restroom, so I started drinking no sugar added propel on wedding days. I was able to drink a “normal” amount of beverage, stay a bit more hydrated, and, consequently, have a somewhat easier time recovering the following day.

3.     Belly support band

I ended up not using one of these until after my last wedding while pregnant, but boy was it LIFE CHANGING! That baby gets so heavy in your pelvis in your 8th and 9th months of pregnancy, and can cause all sorts of aches and pains. A belly support band would have been a must for me if I had any weddings or sessions past the 32 week mark. I highly recommend this one from Amazon!

4.     Supportive shoes

Such a simple thing that can make such a difference – make sure you have supportive shoes! Or, if you are really feeling the pain in your feet, bring a pair of tennis shoes to switch into at the reception. If you’re obviously pregnant, I don’t think anyone would fault you for it!

5.     Warm foot bath

One of the best gifts my husband got me (before I was pregnant!) was a portable foot bath. This was truly my saving grace after long wedding days while pregnant – I came home and soaked them every single time, and it helped reduce the extra swelling in my feet.


If you are a wedding photographer who is pregnant and will be working through wedding season, please be sure to talk to your doctor to make sure you both are on the same page. All of the tips and items listed here are recommendations from my personal experience, and while they might not be directly applicable to your situation, I do hope they help give you some confidence that you CAN do it!


Behind the Scenes 2022

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Behind the Scenes 2022

Another year, another JHP Behind the Scenes blog post! And while blogging might not be all that popular anymore, it’s a tradition I definitely plan to continue - it’s so fun to see and remember how things have changed from year to year!

This year was a particularly unique year, considering the fact that I was pregnant for the first time throughout the vast majority of my photo season, from April all the way through 2022 (due in January 2023!). And truly, my season couldn’t have ended at a better time. I photographed my last wedding at 32 weeks and a few days, and after that last wedding, I was thankful to be able to let my body rest! Weddings are a little hard on the body to begin with, but growing a human definitely adds to the overall tiredness and fatigue during and after a wedding day!

I had the pleasure of photographing 14 amazing couples wedding days, and photographed 65 senior, engagement, family, and headshot sessions. I am so very thankful for each and every couple, individual, and family who let me be a part of such special seasons in their lives!

I am also immensely thankful for everyone who helped me this year by helping me carry gear (a huge shoutout to Robin, Erica, Raven, and my mom!) and especially my husband, who photographed all 14 weddings with me.

For more Behind the Scenes content: 2017 / 2018 / 2019 / 2020 / 2021

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How to Edit Senior Photos in Lightroom and Photoshop


How to Edit Senior Photos in Lightroom and Photoshop

As a senior, family, and wedding photographer, I showcase many photos on my website and blog - all of which are completely edited, color corrected, and retouched. I love sharing the final product of the work that I produce for my clients! However, today I wanted to share a behind the scenes peek at just how those photos go from their unedited state to what you see in all of my blog posts.

Showing an unedited image sort of feels like one of those dreams where you get up to give a speech and realize that you’re in your underwear 😂 But alas, I do think it’s helpful for clients to see how much time and energy goes into making sure their images are beautiful!

Ultimately, this blog post might be of interest to you if you are a photographer (I love seeing how others edit their images) - but even if you’re not, it might surprise you how much time and effort goes into the details of each image you may see on my website or blog posts - or on any photographer’s website! Some may edit more, some less, but all photographers do retouch their images to some degree. I hope this give an understanding for the love and effort that goes into each image!

Also, if you’re interested in seeing a highlight blog post from this stunning senior’s photo session, feel free to click here!

And for anyone who may be interested, in this editing tutorial, I use two editing programs: Adobe Lightroom and Adobe Photoshop, both on my desktop computer. Enjoy!

Before & After

And for anyone who might be interested in seeing the before and after without watching the entire tutorial… I’ve included the images below just for you! 😉

Before Editing (Raw image format, straight out of camera)

After Editing (JPEG image format - after color correction, spot removal, skin softening, eye enhance, fly away removal, and glowy corner addition)

Interested in seeing more content like this? Feel free to let me know below! Or, if you’re interested in seeing some additional editing tutorials, feel free to check out my Youtube channel by clicking the link below.

For more resources for photographers, seniors, and engaged couples, click any of the photos below!


Behind the Scenes 2021

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Behind the Scenes 2021

What a year it has been! 2021 has been FULL of weddings, seniors, engagements and families, and TONS of editing.

As I reflect on this year, I am reminded of how God provides - abundantly. He has provided this work, this job, this career path, and my goal is to continue to grow more and more grateful (especially when it feels overwhelming!) for the work that he has called me to do in this season.

This year, that work looked like 19 weddings and over 65 portrait sessions, and countless hours of editing. Moving into 2022, I’ll be taking slightly less weddings, and increasing the number of portrait sessions on my calendar!

There are so many people who have helped make this year possible… and so many that aren’t included in the photos below! Nick (my husband), Alisha, Robin, Taylor, Amelia and Jill - you have all made this year possible with your support at sessions and weddings, and I couldn’t be more grateful! And a HUGE thank you to my parents who graciously watch our “boys” (the dogs ;) ) on wedding days. It is such a blessing to know that they are taken care of!

You’ll find a compilation of random images from the year - both “professional” and cell phone quality.

And without further ado, enjoy this year’s behind the scenes blog post!

For more Behind the Scenes content: 2017 / 2018 / 2019 / 2020

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Observations from Weddings in a Year of Covid


Observations from Weddings in a Year of Covid

2020 was quite a year – a year that has hit the wedding industry quite hard! Many weddings were forced to either downsize, postpone, or completely cancel due to the ever-changing restrictions released throughout the year of 2020 here in Pennsylvania. Some weddings were even forced to downsize drastically or completely change venues with DAYS until their wedding day. Oof!

Personally, I had 21 weddings scheduled for 2020… and only 13 were actually able to happen. The rest either postponed to 2021, or cancelled entirely. For brides who are getting married this year who might be wondering what weddings look like now in the “Covid era,” I’d love to share what I’ve learned with you from the weddings I photographed over the last year!

1.     Outdoor spaces are king.

As you probably could surmise… outdoor spaces have become king as of late, even here in the great state of Pennsylvania, where the weather is totally unpredictable! Outdoor ceremonies and outdoor receptions have increased (at least for my own weddings!) this year, and it has been SO MUCH FUN! There’s something about outdoor weddings that feel more fluid and more open. On a beautiful day, there’s more space for guests to walk around and spread out.

2.     Pittsburgh cookie tables CAN still happen! (You know you were wondering about this one!!! ;) )

It’s true! The infamous Pittsburgh cookie table CAN still happen even in this day and age, when all might not be super comfortable sharing a giant table of cookies with 100 strangers/aquaintances… and I’ve seen it done successfully over the last year a few different ways!

  • A mix of cookies in different boxes or bags on the cookie table, so guests can take a box back to their table.

  • A plate of cookies per table (works well if households of people are seated together).

  • I’ve also seen individually wrapped cookies – this one might take extra time and effort, but still works!

3.     Smaller, more intimate wedding days with fewer guests can be just as fun as big weddings.

Some of my favorite weddings 2020 were weddings with less than 25 guests! What’s great about these weddings is that everyone TRULY wants to be there, celebrating the couple – not that they don’t at a “normal” wedding, but there are always some people at larger weddings who might not know the bride or groom (or both!) well, and are mostly there for the food and the party. These smaller, more intimate weddings really foster a greater connection between the couple and their guests… plus, the bride & groom can really spend more time talking with each guest, instead of being stretched thin between a ton of people!

4. You might get more guests who RSVP with a “no.”

The majority of my couples have experienced an increase in guests RSVPing “no” to attend their wedding day, in opposed to past years of weddings. Another chunk of guests might only come for the ceremony, opposed to staying for both the ceremony and reception.

5.     Backyard weddings might just be the best.

I hope the “backyard wedding trend” is here to stay! I’ve seen low-key backyard weddings, and elaborate back yard weddings this year, and ALL of them have been unique and so personal to the couple. There’s something special about getting married in your parents’ backyard next to the pool you grew up swimming in, or in a relative’s front yard that you’ve always adored. It adds that personal, unforgettable touch.

6. “Live” wedding broadcasts/streams might be here to stay.

A live stream of your wedding is certainly a great option for elderly guests who might feel safer watching your ceremony from the comfort of their own home or space. And, honestly? I think this is a GREAT idea! Almost every single wedding I photographed this year had a live stream to either a private Zoom group, or a Facebook group. Live streams are typically so easy to set up nowadays, that this might be a no brainer addition to wedding days moving forward! If you have a phone or access to a phone, you can live stream your wedding day!

7.     Couples seem more… relaxed?

This was a surprising observation to me. I for sure thought that more couples would be stressed and anxious going into their wedding days… and while I’m sure there was stress and anxiety in the decision making phase (Should we postpone? How many people should we have? Who do we uninvited due to the state mandate?), couples ON their actual wedding days have been so much more relaxed! Most seem to be just thrilled to actually BE getting married and having any sort of wedding. Which leads me into my last point…

8.     There has been a renewed focus on what really matters.

This one is my favorite. For all of the couples who have gotten married in 2020 and 2021, most of them have just been excited to BE married. Is it a bummer to not have the wedding you’ve dreamed of/planned for over the last year and half? Absolutely. It is SUCH a bummer. And I would never want to downplay the disappointment that I know so many couples are experiencing this year. But, simultaneously, I am so excited to see couples focusing more on the pending marriage. That has been a true joy to see and experience!

If you’ve been to a wedding in 2020 or early 2021, what have you experienced? Are there any great ideas you’ve seen put into practice that couples might be able to benefit from moving into 2021?


JHP Behind the Scenes 2020


JHP Behind the Scenes 2020

Wow… what a year! 2020 will certainly be one for the books.

At the beginning of this year, all of us were unsure of many things. I, for one, was completely unsure of how wedding season (and portrait season!) would shake out. I had so many couples (for good reason!) postpone their wedding days in the spring and early summer, and I wondered if I would if I would have any clients at all. Would people be too nervous to go outside to have their photos taken? Would there be any sense of normalcy late summer/early fall when it came to events? Would I need to get another full time job?!

In all of the uncertainty, I was reminded of the incredible, unsuspecting ways that God provides. And provide he did! From random part-time jobs to an increase in senior sessions, God truly provided for every need - and gave me many, MANY opportunities to continue doing what I love, even in the midst of a pandemic.

This year, I got to photograph 13 AMAZING wedding days, and over 70 portrait sessions. I was able to start a little Etsy shop that I’ve been dreaming up over the past year (Beyond the Boardwalk), take on a few graphic design projects (which is what my degree is in!), and dove a little bit into the world of thrifting through Mercari and Poshmark (which I love!).

More than anything, this year, I learned the value of being truly grateful for every. single. thing. that God provides for me. We’re easily tempted to compare and wallow when we are not grateful, but when we see the continual goodness of God within every opportunity and praise him for it (something I am quite imperfect at), we live in a renewed perspective - and a much better one, at that!

To every couple, senior, mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, baby, and fetus who gave me the joy of photographing them during this strange year - thank you. Your support, your encouragement, and your love mean the world to me! I am so thankful for you!

For more Behind the Scenes content: 2017 / 2018 / 2019


How I Got the Shot


How I Got the Shot

I’m a sucker for anything labeled “behind the scenes.” It’s so much fun to see what goes into making things, and personally, I love hearing the thought process and intention that goes into a product or service!

Today, I’m excited to share the behind the scenes making of a few select photos. This post might be a bit more geared towards photographers with some of the technical detail - but regardless of if you’re a photographer or just someone who likes looking at photos, I hope you enjoy!

This shot was taken jus after sunset on the Roberto Clemente bridge in Pittsburgh! Camera left (allll the way on the sidewalk of the bridge), my assistant was holding a portable speedlight (without a modifier, like an umbrella or softbox) pointed to…

This shot was taken jus after sunset on the Roberto Clemente bridge in Pittsburgh! Camera left (allll the way on the sidewalk of the bridge), my assistant was holding a portable speedlight (without a modifier, like an umbrella or softbox) pointed towards my subject. To be honest, I wasn’t sure if this would work without a modifier, but I was pleasantly surprised with my results! I later figured out that because the speedlight was far enough away from my subject, the light appears a little bit softer. If my speedlight had been closer without a modifer, the light would’ve appeared harsher. I used a 70 to 200 mm lens for this shot, so I stood quite a distance away from my subject because of the longer focal length!

This was a favorite ring shot of mine from last year! It required a little extra planning, but it ended up being worth it! While my couple was changing into their second outfit (at their engagement session), I borrowed their ring to take a few shots…

This was a favorite ring shot of mine from last year! It required a little extra planning, but it ended up being worth it! While my couple was changing into their second outfit (at their engagement session), I borrowed their ring to take a few shots. I noticed a bench near me with a slightly glossy/reflective surface, which is where the slight ring reflection came from. I placed a small, battery-powered portable string of lights behind the ring, which reflected nicely onto the bench! I used my Canon 100mm f/2.8 L macro lens at 2.8 to make sure I’d be able to get the creamiest bokeh possible! Click here to see/purchase the twinkle lights I use for less than $7 on Amazon Prime!

This photo was taken a few hours after sunset outside of the Morning Glory Inn on the South Side of Pittsburgh and is one of my favorite “night time” shots to date! I had been a little worried that this wedding was going to be a rain out - but it tu…

This photo was taken a few hours after sunset outside of the Morning Glory Inn on the South Side of Pittsburgh and is one of my favorite “night time” shots to date! I had been a little worried that this wedding was going to be a rain out - but it turned out that the rain came JUST at the right time, just for this photo!! To achieve this look, I placed a portable speedlight in a clear plastic bag (to protect it from the rain!) on a light stand behind my couple to light them from behind, and to “light up” some of the rain. To light them from the front, I used an off-camera speedlight with a small softbox (to soften the light on their faces) held by my second shooter camera left. I used a 50mm lens for this shot.

I knew when I took these two to the sunflower field that I wanted to REALLY make them look like they were lost in the sunflowers. To achieve the “look” of the sunflower close up in the left side of the frame, I used my Canon 70-200 f/2.8 (at 200mm) …

I knew when I took these two to the sunflower field that I wanted to REALLY make them look like they were lost in the sunflowers. To achieve the “look” of the sunflower close up in the left side of the frame, I used my Canon 70-200 f/2.8 (at 200mm) and used the high compression to my advantage, making the sunflower appear larger than life in the frame. (To learn more about lens compression, read this great article by SLR Lounge!).

This was one of my favorite invitation/bridal detail shots from all of 2019! While this may look like a simple set up, getting to the final product took a little bit of time. A good flatlay shot requires good light - and for me and my style, I like …

This was one of my favorite invitation/bridal detail shots from all of 2019! While this may look like a simple set up, getting to the final product took a little bit of time. A good flatlay shot requires good light - and for me and my style, I like to have even, soft light across the bridal details I photograph. When I came into the bridal suite, there was a small room with couches in the back that had TONS of window light - I knew it would be the perfect spot for bridal details! Window light was coming stronger from camera left and the top of the image, so after I set up this shot, I added a silver reflector (click here to see/purchase the one I use!) camera right to soften some of the darker shadows cast by the invitation suite (which is a few inches elevated from the invitation tray by the back of a ring box). Believe it or not, the background (tan with blue dots) of this image is actually the couch that was in the getting ready space! I used a 50mm lens for this shot. I didn’t want to use too wide of a lens because I didn’t want any lens distortion, and I wanted to make sure you wouldn’t be able to see the edges of the couch here.

This may be one of my favorite senior photos from this past year! I love love LOVE clean, soft light, and on this particular day in the fall, we had the most beeeeautiful light for Lydia’s senior portraits! But there a few tricks that made this imag…

This may be one of my favorite senior photos from this past year! I love love LOVE clean, soft light, and on this particular day in the fall, we had the most beeeeautiful light for Lydia’s senior portraits! But there a few tricks that made this image really pop. Notice where the sun is - you can see it’s a little hazy in the background and hitting her hair, but it’s just out of the camera frame - which makes Lydia’s face clear (free of haze), with a nice pop! I used a higher compression lens (an 85mm) and a lower aperture (f/2) to achieve a dreamy-like look, with Lydia in focus and with the background completely knocked out. I also had my assistant holding a white reflector camera right, just out of the frame, which lit her eyes up a bit more and removed some shadows from her eye sockets!


Portraits & Pandemics: JHP COVID-19 Services Update


Portraits & Pandemics: JHP COVID-19 Services Update

You’ve heard it time and time again, and you know it to be true from personal experience: we’re living through an unprecedented time in history right now! COVID-19 has changed the face of many businesses and has forced many small business owners to get creative with their offerings, and to increase communication with their client base about what they are still offering in terms of products and services.

Just to dispel as much uncertainty as possible with my service offerings for this year, I’d love to give my client base an update on how JHP will be operating over the next couple of weeks, and what we will still be doing during this quarantine time:

1.     Still booking weddings for late 2020 and 2021!

Though I had originally closed my wedding calendar to new clients before the COVID-19 quarantine (due to a packed schedule!), I am now excepting a few more weddings for 2020 due to some of my spring weddings being postponed to next year! And of course, I’m still booking weddings for 2021.

As a side note: If you’re a couple who is considering getting married in 2021, I would recommend reaching out to your favorite venues soon. I’ve found that many couples affected by the COVID-19 virus are moving their weddings to 2021, which means less space for bookings for next year!

2.     Still booking senior, family, and couple sessions for summer and fall of 2020!

Sitting at home without much to do? Take advantage of some extra down time by booking a senior, family or couples session for later this year! For more information about sessions, click here. To start the booking process or to request more information, use the “contact” tab above, or reach out to Jenna directly at If you’re worried about money right now, don’t worry - there’s no money down to schedule. Just choose a time slot and sign a contract to reserve your spot!

3.     Still providing print products in your online gallery!

This one is specifically for clients who I’ve previously photographed! Since you’re at home a little more than usual, you might be noticing that your wall art or coffee table books need some updating! Now is the perfect time to use your online client gallery to order professional grade print products, including: photo prints, canvases, and albums. Don’t forget to use the code “TOGETHER” (all caps) in your gallery for 15% off your total purchase through April 1, 2020! (*Note: If your session took place before 18, please reach out to me directly if you would like to purchase prints).

4.     Still offering mentoring sessions (via Skype or phone call, of course!)

Did you know that I offer mentoring sessions? A few topics I’ve covered with mentees in the past include:

  • How to shoot in “manual mode”

  • How to take better photos of your kids

  • How to shoot in natural light

  • How to get creamy skin tones in-camera

  • All things wedding photography!

  • How to make people feel comfortable in front of your camera

  • How to organize a client session

  • How to organize a photo workflow

  • How to use Lightroom

  • How to use blogging and social media to your advantage

  • And much more!

If you’re interested in a mentoring session, feel free to reach out to Jenna at to get more information and start the process. For the foreseeable future, all mentoring sessions will take place via Skype or phone call. Mentoring sessions are priced at $100 per hour.

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to reach out via commenting below, or directly via email. I am so excited for what the rest of this year has to offer, and can’t wait to work with all of my incredible clients later this year!
