You never know what sort of weather you’ll get in March in Pittsburgh, but on this particular Saturday for Josef’s senior photos… we had… wait for it… SUN! It may have been a little cold (30’s?), but the sun kept our heads and spirits high during this session!

Josef is a senior at Seneca Valley who plans on studying botany post-high school graduation! McConnell’s Mill was an easy choice as far as location goes for his senior session, considering it’s a favorite spot of his for hanging out with friends. It was easy to see his love for botany throughout the session. Even though much of the landscape was still slightly dead from winter, Josef identified plants for us as we went throughout his session - which was so much fun! Honestly, I don’t give plants very much thought when I’m out walking around, so it was cool to be able to see what I usually miss through Josef’s eyes!

A HUGE congratulations to you, Josef, on your senior year! I’m so thankful we had the opportunity to photograph you!
